Why do most people decide to participate in a juice cleanse?
With busy schedules, lifestyles and the vast convenience of processed fast foods it can be very challenging to maintain optimal health and well-balanced lifestyle. When we drink juice from fruits and vegetables rather than eat them, it gives our digestive system a break and allows our bodies to easily absorb the flood of nutrients we intake. This break provides the body time to focus on restoring itself and flushing out stubborn toxins and waste. Our bodies have the power to heal themselves, if given a chance to do so.
What are some common benefits from doing a juice cleanse?
- Give the digestive system a rest
- Jump-start weight loss and healthy eating habits
- Purge body of toxin
- Rehydrate to improve energy and skin tone
- Reduce chronic inflammation
- Help the immune system
How can one prepare themselves before starting a juice cleanse?
Unless you are doing a one-day cleanse, you will want to prepare your body to maximize the outcome for your juice cleanse. However, for a multi-day cleanse, you will want to consider the recommendations below. If you jump right into a cleanse from an unhealthy diet, you could feel sick from the detox symptoms and may not want to continue.
Two to four (2-4) days prior:
- Transition unhealthy meals out of your diet and replace them with more raw vegetables and fruit, baked or grill fish and chicken.
- Eat smaller portions than usual, eating only enough to satisfy your hunger.
- Incorporate regular, non-strenuous exercise into your routine.
Drink plenty of water (at least 2-3 liters/day) which aids flushing out toxins and refrain from drinking alcohol or coffee.
How often does one drink the juices throughout the day during the juice cleanse?
Aim to drink a juice every 2 to 2.5 hours, 6 juices a day might sound a lot but space them out over a 12-hour period and your body will thank you. Not drinking all your juice can leave you feeling hungry and can result in a drop in your blood sugar, which will leave you feeling lethargic and may give you a headache. Incorporate warm lemon water, it promotes the digestive cleansing process and consider including herbal tea. During a cleanse, eating raw nuts, fruit, and vegetables are acceptable should you feel light headed or hunger pains.
What is normally done after one finishes the juice cleanse?
After you finish your cleanse, celebrate!
The key to remain successful is introducing light foods, soups minimize meat, no refined sugar, dairy or wheat and if possible incorporate organic based products. You do not want to stress or tax your digestive system by eating heavy foods right away. Keep up your fluids, drinking plenty of water (at least 2-3 liters/day) and consider taking pro-biotics.